Materials for mission needs can be funded and procured by the library. The library director is responsible for purchasing mission essential materials for units on base and affiliated with the base. The Air Force defines mission essential information resources as publications and services that directly bear on the functions, initiatives, and operations of Air Force agencies. Use and necessity, not content alone, determines mission essentiality and the functional (unit) commander or flight chief certifies that mission essentiality. |
The purchase of materials is normally from January 1 st to July 1 st of each year, depending on when central funds are dropped. However, the library is unable to purchase from offices from August to December. Purchase requests for offices are on a first-come first-serve basis. No office is currently allowed to spend more than $2,000 on materials in the first two months of ordering. |
Materials are requested through a Materials Justification Letter , provided by the base library. Materials are hand-receipted to the office (indefinite loan). Offices with library materials must keep a current Point of Contact Letter on file with the base library. Units must also keep accountability of the material and return the material to the library when it is no longer of use to the unit. There is an annual inventory of office collections conducted by the library -- a letter of each account holding is sent to the specific unit. The inventory normally takes place in August or September. |
Office account specifics are treated in the Base Library Operating Instruction 34-4 Control and Maintenance of Library Office Collections. |
Yearly subscriptions supplied to offices are reviewed each year. As long as funds are available the librarian will not eliminate office subscriptions without the permission of the office. However, the Library Director has the right to eliminate office subscriptions at any time, and the library will not route periodicals to an office for an indefinite period of time. |
Office materials not funded with Central APFs (for complete list refer to AFI 34-213): |
Some units are not allowed to purchase through the library. All non APF units are not allowed to purchase materials through the library. For specifics on what can/cannot be purchased please call the base library (228-7148). |
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Davis-Monthan AFB Library
This page was last updated: Wednesday, January 18, 2006