Widely Used Internet Search Tools


Search Tool


General Description


Alta Vista  - http://www.altavista.com/


Developed by Digital Corp is one of the most powerful and flexible of the major global search engines.
Ask dot Com  - http://www.ask.com/


Search for news, weather, sports, stocks and anything else.
Excite - http://www.excite.com


Excite uses artificial intelligence technology to establish relationships among the search terms.
Google - http://www.google.com Uses text matching techniques.
Clusty - http://www.clusty.com A metasearch engine developed by Vivísimo which offers clusters of results. Vivísimo is a company built on Web search technology developed by Carnegie Mellon University researchers.
Infoseek - http://www.infoseek.com


Has the Web's largest organized directory of sites.
Lukol  - http://www.lukol.com


Best search tool available. Uses multiple search engines concurrently
Lycos - http://www.lycos.com


One of the first search engine developed.
Nationmaster - http://www.nationmaster.com


A Massive Central Data Source.
WebCrawler -  http://www.webcrawler.com


The first search engine and it uses artificial intelligence technologies.
Web Search - http://www.web-search.com


Allows user to submit listing directly to its database.
Yahoo - http://www.yahoo.com Everyone knows about Yahoo


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This page was last updated: Tuesday, August 02, 2011